Use it or Lose it: Dental Benefits Expire At the End of the Year
Most dental benefits expire at the end of December. Now is a great time to use your remaining benefits that you have already paid for to come in for your dental exam, cleanings, and dental work. Call today to schedule your visit. Appointments are filling up quickly for the end of the year. We look forward to seeing you!
If you have a dental insurance plan in the Allen, Fairview, McKinney, or Plano area, chances are you or your employer are paying a premium each month. Don’t lose out on the money you have already spent by taking advantage of your insurance benefits before they expire at the end of the year. Dental insurance plans can be easier to figure out than medical insurance plans, so give your insurance a call and see what benefits you may be missing out on!
Our holiday season is booking up quickly – we only have limited appointments left – so call us today at (908) 998-4698 to schedule your appointment. If you have any questions about your insurance coverage or benefits, we would be happy to help you. We look forward to seeing you!
Schedule Your Next Appointment Today
If you are ready to take the next step to get your dental treatment and would like to schedule an appointment at Sloan Creek Dental, we would be happy to help. Our office is conveniently located for the Fairview, Allen, and McKinney, neighborhoods, and we would be glad to set up a visit and to go over the cost of dental implants.
Call the office at (972) 468-1440 to reserve your appointment or schedule online before it’s too late!