Straightening Smiles: How Long Does Invisalign Take to Straighten Your Teeth?

Naturally, one of the early questions our orthodontists frequently encounter regarding Invisalign is, “What’s the duration for Invisalign to straighten my teeth?”

The answer to this question is not straightforward since it varies depending on the complexity of your case. Invisalign treatment typically takes between 12 to 18 months, but it could be as quick as six months for simple cases. However, more complicated scenarios, such as severely crowded teeth, might require treatment for 24 months or more. In some cases, Invisalign is not a suitable option, and the dentist might suggest traditional braces or a combination of orthodontic strategies instead. Continue reading as your Fairview dentist will discuss the details of what affects treatment time with Invisalign.

Aligning with Innovation: The Invisalign Approach

Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces that uses clear, medical-grade plastic trays to gently move your teeth into a straighter position. This innovative technology makes orthodontic treatment less noticeable, offering an effective treatment option that suits your lifestyle, without the use of metal brackets.

Why Invisalign Clear Aligners?

Invisalign uses innovative technology with clear, removable aligners, making it a preferred choice for adults and teens who want a beautiful smile without the look of metal braces. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s also about comfort and convenience, offering an alternative to the cumbersome metal braces of the past.

What Affects Treatment Time?

The duration of treatment can vary significantly from person to person, influenced by several key factors:

  • Severity of Dental Issues: Straighter teeth can be achieved faster with minor adjustments. However, severe misalignment, crowded teeth, or large gaps can extend the treatment period.
  • Patient Compliance: Wearing your aligners for 20-22 hours per day as recommended plays a critical role in achieving timely results.
  • Regular Follow-Up Appointments: Sticking to scheduled dental visits allows adjustments to the treatment plan as needed, ensuring steady progress.

How Long Does Invisalign Take to Close a Gap?

Invisalign is a teeth alignment treatment that can help close gaps between teeth. However, there are certain limitations to consider. Invisalign treatment can only accommodate gaps up to 6mm. If the total gap size in either the upper or lower row exceeds 6mm, whether from a single gap or multiple gaps combined, Invisalign might not provide the desired results in effectively closing the gap. For gaps up to 6mm, treatment time can take approximately 24 months. Smaller gaps may take considerably less treatment time.

How Long Does Invisalign Take For Crowded Teeth?

If you have mild crowding, Invisalign can straighten your teeth in 6 to 12 months. However, the duration of treatment may increase with the severity of crowding. Invisalign may not be the best solution for significantly crowded teeth. Your orthodontist will evaluate your specific case and offer their expert advice. They may suggest complementary treatments to work alongside Invisalign or advise against using Invisalign entirely, depending on what’s best for your dental health.

Does Invisalign Take Longer to Straighten Teeth For Adults?

There’s no significant difference in treatment time between adults and younger individuals, like children or teenagers. Individual variation plays a crucial role here, as the ease with which teeth can be repositioned varies from person to person. Age is not the deciding factor in how quickly or slowly the teeth will adjust.

Average Duration for Aesthetic Results

On average, orthodontic Invisalign treatment lasts 12-18 months, but some patients may see results in as little as 6 months. It’s important to note that the duration of treatment may vary based on individual oral health needs and treatment objectives.

Does it Hurt?

The process of installing Invisalign attachments is usually not painful. However, you may feel some discomfort when the aligners are initially put on since they may feel tighter with attachments. This sensation occurs because the aligners fit more snugly around the teeth with attachments, which is necessary for effective treatment. If an attachment causes any discomfort inside your mouth, you can apply a ball of orthodontic wax over the area to prevent irritation, and or take an over the counter pain reliever.

Invisalign's Roadmap: From Consultation to Smile

First Stop: Crafting Your Digital Treatment Plan

The first step in the process is to have an initial consultation with an experienced dentist. During this consultation, 3D images of your teeth will be taken, which will form the basis of a personalized treatment plan. This plan will be tailored to your individual needs and will guide the transformation of your misaligned teeth into straight teeth.

Custom Fit: Your Aligner Trays and Journey Timeline

Your Invisalign aligners are unique to you and will guide your teeth into proper alignment. Treatment typically lasts 12-18 months, taking you from crowded teeth to a confident smile. It’s a journey worth taking.

Regular Check-ins: Follow-up Appointments and Adjustments

Follow-up appointments are crucial to ensuring the success of the treatment. They are less frequent than traditional brace adjustments and are mainly focused on celebrating progress, one aligner at a time.

Why Invisalign Might Just Be Your Smile's Best Friend

Freedom to Remove: Aligners That Understand ‘Break Time’

The promise of enjoying your favorite foods and maintaining robust dental health is now possible with the ability to remove aligners. This feature eliminates food restrictions and simplifies oral care, which traditional braces struggle to offer.

Advanced Smile-Shaping: Harnessing the Latest in Tech

Harnessing the latest 3D scanning technology, Invisalign provides a comfortable and efficient alternative to traditional metal braces. This innovative treatment option combines effectiveness and comfort unlike any other method.

Minding the Budget: Dental Insurance and Invisalign

Many dental insurance plans now recognize Invisalign as a valuable dental treatment, with coverage often mirroring conventional braces. A conversation with your insurance provider might reveal some smile-worthy news.

Seeing the Bigger Picture: Invisalign Versus The Braces

When weighing Invisalign against traditional braces, consider the invisible nature of these custom aligners, their comfort, and how they measure up in delivering that dream smile. While treatment duration can be similar, the path with Invisalign is often perceived as smoother and more adaptable to modern life.

Ultimately, whether it’s for cosmetic reasons or to correct more severe dental conditions, Invisalign presents itself as an alternative to braces promising not just a healthier bite, but a journey to a perfect smile that doesn’t ask you to hide your happiness along the way. So, why not take that first step towards a straight smile with an initial consultation and discover if Invisalign aligns with your aspirations?

Remember, achieving a flawless smile is a team effort, and it all begins with you. Embrace the change, and let Invisalign steer you towards that perfect arch — your gateway to a lifetime of grins, laughter, and unbridled joy.


Invisalign makes maintaining good oral hygiene easier. Simply remove the aligners to brush and floss as normal.

Invisalign is highly effective in treating a wide range of dental problems, including crowded teeth, gaps, and some bite issues. However, there are certain complex cases where traditional braces or other orthodontic solutions might be more appropriate. It is best to have a consultation with an orthodontist to find out if

For many cases, Invisalign can straighten teeth faster than traditional braces. Average treatment times for Invisalign are often between 12 to 18 months, but severe or complex cases may take longer. Traditional braces, on the other hand, typically require 18 to 24 months for most patients. Your orthodontist can provide a more specific comparison based on your individual needs.

Your Fairview Invisalign Dentist is Here for You

Consult an experienced dentist to get a personalized estimate of your treatment duration and embark on the journey to a healthier, more beautiful smile. Your dream smile awaits!

If you’re dealing with crowded teeth, gaps, or complex tooth movements in the Fairview Allen area, and would like to take the next step in achieving a picture-perfect smile, contact Sloan Creek Dental to schedule a consultation online or call  972-468-1440

At Sloan Creek Dental, we are dedicated to helping you create a customized Invisalign experience that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. Remember, straight teeth not only improve your appearance, but also contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Our dental office is located in Fairview, Texas, and our patients visit us from across the surrounding areas, including Allen, Plano, McKinney, and Lucas.