When Should You Visit Your Emergency Dentist

When should you visit your emergency dentist in Fairview

A dental emergency is something that you can’t always anticipate happening. It’s more likely they’ll show up at the most inconvenient time possible.

From broken teeth, and chipped dental fillings, that needs immediate attention to cracked crowns because of falls or sports-related injuries, there are many types of trauma you may experience if something goes wrong with your pearly whites. The good news is that in most situations, our dedicated dental team can complete a dental emergency treatment in just one visit and help you with your oral pain. If you are experiencing some of the common situations listed below, you should schedule an emergency appointment for emergency dental care as soon as possible.

What is Typically Considered a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is when a patient needs urgent care for their mouth. One of the most common symptoms is pain. If you have pain when chewing food or feel your jaw hurts after eating, you should call your local dentist for immediate dental care. When calling your dentist, see if they offer a same-day appointment as you don’t want to wait until later because it might be too late once the swelling starts! We’ll ask some questions about what happened before determining whether it qualifies as an emergency when you call us.

Some of the most common types of dental trauma include: 

  • Broken/knocked out tooth or tooth injury
  • Severe toothache
  • Broken/lost dental fixture
  • Soft tissue cut that causes oral bleeding
  • Tooth Pain

Signs you need emergency dental care

Severe Toothache

There are many causes for severe toothache, and the severity of your toothache can be a warning sign that it’s time to visit your dentist. The most common cause of dental pain is an infected tooth, which may have been caused by tooth decay, gum disease, injury from trauma, or other reasons. If you experience severe pain when chewing food, biting down on hard objects, or even just touching certain areas of your mouth, this could indicate that something serious has occurred. If your mouth starts to feel swollen, apply a cold compress for ten minutes, then remove for an additional ten minutes. Do this for up to one hour.

Numb Tooth

If you notice your toothache has gotten worse and you are unable to feel anything but slight numbness in your tooth, it may be a sign that the infection has spread to the root of your tooth. When you feel no sensation in your teeth, it’s important that you see a dentist. An abscess may have reached the nerve, or the root of your tooth, and root canal therapy may be needed. If you feel pain or have a toothache periodically, it could mean there is a major dental issue with your teeth that needs emergency attention.

Dislodged tooth

When your tooth is knocked out, it can be excruciatingly painful and a major cause of concern. To manage the extreme pain and the broken tooth, you need to head straight to the emergency dentist to reinsert the broken tooth. Avoid any at-home remedies or treatments that may prolong recovery time. Seek immediate emergency dental care  as soon as possible.

Before seeing your dentist, you will need to do the following to preserve the tooth.

  • Pick up the tooth by the crown (the chewing surface that sticks out of the gum), NOT by the root
  • Gently rinse your mouth with warm water
  • If the tooth is dirty, use water to gently rinse the tooth
  • Reposition the tooth in the socket immediately if possible
  • Keep the tooth moist at all times – whether it’s in your mouth or put it in a container of milk
  • See your local dentist for urgent dental care, preferably within 30 minutes to an hour

Dental Abscess

A dental abscess or tooth abscess can be very painful and should not be taken lightly. Signs of one include fever, swollen glands, a foul taste in the mouth, pus around tooth roots, or swelling in your jaw area. Seek your local emergency dentist if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. An untreated bacterial infection could lead to other health problems like sepsis and blood clots which would require hospitalization for treatment.

bleeding gums

If you show signs of bleeding from your gums, it can be an early sign of undiagnosed gum disease. A form of gum disease is gingivitis that starts as an infection. Gingivitis is common because it’s painless for most patients, and they don’t realize it until they visit the dentist. Luckily if detected early, this stage can be reversed with proper treatment. To prevent gingivitis, it takes proper oral hygiene like brushing and flossing daily and regular dental exams to ensure your oral health is in good condition.

If gingivitis is left untreated, it will lead to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is when your gums are infected and bleed excessively, causing pain or swelling in the area. Other signs of periodontal disease may include mouth sores, receding gums, loose or separating teeth, pus between the gums, and persistent bad breath. It’s important to get treated for bleeding gums because it will worsen if left untreated and will lead to tooth loss.

Swollen Jaw

If you notice that your mouth has been swollen for more than a day, it’s time to see an emergency dentist as it can be a serious sign of infection. This could be because of any of the following reasons: tooth or gum infection (leading to swelling), gum disease, an early indication of oral cancer, or even just having too many teeth crammed into a relatively small area. To get the true cause of your problem, consult with your emergency dentist so she may provide you with a dental treatment plan. 

Loose Tooth

Your teeth are not supposed to be moving once they have matured. Having tooth mobility could be a symptom of serious underlying problems. If this happens, it is important to seek emergency dental care quickly before things worsen.

During your emergency dental visit, the first step would be an oral exam to detect whether there is a problem with one or more teeth. Next up: x-rays to see what’s going on inside your teeth and gums. Once we detect the problem, your dentist will provide you with a treatment plan of how they will treat your dental concernIf you lose a permanent tooth (adult tooth), you don’t have to be toothless forever—dental implants are available to fill in any gaps. However, it’s best to avoid losing a tooth in the first place.

Persisting Canker Sore

Canker sores are not a cause of concern unless they don’t heal in a couple of weeks. If this happens, visit your nearest dental clinic and have them looked at by your dentist to avoid oral infections that could harm the body internally if left untreated.

Constant Headaches

If you find yourself waking up with the same headache each morning, it could signify something else going on. Your teeth and your head are connected, so any pain in your mouth or jaw can affect how often you get headaches. If the headache is constant, bruxism may present itself as an issue.

Patients who constantly grind their teeth commonly experience more frequent migraines because they’re grinding down tooth enamel, leading to increased tooth sensitivity. In some cases, the treatment is as simple as wearing a custom-fitted mouth guard at night. If there’s no relief after your dentist’s prescribed length of time, talk to your dentist about further treatment like using a dental splint.

Contact us for emergency dentistry in Fairview, TX

A trip to the emergency dentist can mean more than just a toothache. For patients experiencing dental emergencies, it’s imperative to pay close attention to what’s happening in your mouth to prevent further dental problems.

At Sloan Creek Dental in Fairview, our dental office of dental professionals is committed to serving community patients, and making sure your oral health is in good condition. We offer emergency care for any emergency you might have with our flexible office hours and state-of-the-art equipment. During your emergency dental visit, we’ll listen to your concerns so we can better serve you. Our goal is not just restorative dentistry but also preventive care that will ensure your smile stays healthy!

To schedule a dental appointment for emergency dental services, call our office at  (972) 468-1440 to request an appointment. We’ll be happy to talk to you about how we can help.