Tips For Deep Teeth Cleaning Aftercare

Deep teeth cleaning can be a great way to maintain oral health and keep your smile looking its best. But it’s important to remember that aftercare is essential to the process!

To help ensure a successful recovery, here are some tips for deep teeth cleaning aftercare you should follow. You’ll learn how proper brushing and flossing techniques, avoiding certain foods and beverages, what not to do after deep teeth cleaning, and scheduling regular dental checkups can all contribute to a healthier mouth. 

With these helpful tips in mind, you can enjoy the benefits of deep teeth cleaning with peace of mind and knowing you’re taking the best care of yourself.

Post-Treatment Expectations

Once your deep cleaning teeth procedure is completed, it’s normal to experience a bit of sensitivity in your gums and slight bleeding. These are typical responses and often resolve quickly. In some cases, pain medication might be recommended by your dentist to alleviate any discomfort or tooth sensitivity. Your dentist will provide aftercare instructions to ensure the proper healing of your gum tissue and minimize any potential discomfort.

Managing Discomfort Following Deep Teeth Cleaning

Managing post-procedure discomfort or sensitivity is crucial to ensure a smooth healing process. To alleviate discomfort following your deep cleaning treatment, consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These medications can effectively minimize any pain or inflammation. Additionally, applying a cold compress to the affected area for 10-15 minutes can provide relief by numbing the sensitive spot and reducing swelling.

Oral Hygiene Tips

It’s essential to brush twice daily and floss at least once every day. Using a toothbrush with soft bristles can help alleviate discomfort in sensitive areas—be sure to apply gentle pressure on any sore spots. To avoid infection and promote healing, your dentist may recommend rinsing your mouth with warm salt water as part of your post-treatment routine.

Proper Brushing and Flossing Techniques

It’s important to brush at least twice a day for two minutes each time and use fluoride toothpaste. Flossing should also be done once a day to remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth.

The best way to ensure that we have brushed all corners of our mouth is to follow the same pattern for each section of your mouth. Brushing the chewing surfaces, both your teeth’ outer and inner surfaces, will ensure all areas are covered. The pattern where you brush first doesn’t matter as long as each section gets the same brushing during the two minutes. When brushing, hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline. Followed by gently brushing in a circular motion from where the tooth and gum meet to the chewing surface in short (about half-a-tooth-wide) strokes. Don’t want to brush too hard as that can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and loose teeth.

If you need help with brushing your teeth properly, ask your dental professional, who will be able to provide guidance on how to effectively brush and floss to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Additionally, they will show you how to use dental products such as mouthwash or interdental brushes that could help improve your oral hygiene routine.

Avoiding Certain Foods and Beverages

After your deep teeth cleaning, it’s best to avoid certain foods and beverages that may be acidic, are hard to chew, or contain small pieces. Patients are advised to stick to a soft-food diet for 24 hours after a deep cleaning. Here are some foods and beverages to avoid following your deep cleaning.

  • Spicy, hot, or cold foods
  • Acidic foods such as coffee, tea, citrus fruits and juices should be avoided due to their acidity.
  • Hard or crunch foods such as nuts, tough meats, popcorn and chips can be too challenging for the area around your gums and teeth.
  • Vegetables like celery can have small pieces that get stuck in the treated area.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco as it will significantly delay the healing process during the healing process.

Scheduling Regular Dental Checkups

It is important to prioritize regular dental checkups in order to maintain good oral health. Make sure to schedule an appointment with a local dentist to stay on top of your oral hygiene and prevent any potential issues. Here are some reasons why it’s important to visit the dentist regularly:

  • Get an accurate assessment of your dental health
  • Catch any problems before they become too serious
  • Keep up to date with preventive treatments such as deep cleaning or fluoride treatment
  • Receive personalized advice from highly trained experts.

Long-Term Oral Care After A Deep Dental Cleaning

Consistent and effective oral hygiene practices are the key to long-term dental health and sustaining the benefits of deep teeth cleaning. Regular brushing, at least twice a day, and daily flossing (a plus if you have a water flosser) are essential to remove food particles and prevent plaque accumulation. Using an antiseptic mouthwash can further kill bacteria and promote gum health. Regular dental check-ups and dental cleanings are equally crucial to detecting any potential issues early and carrying out necessary interventions.

Additionally, maintaining a diet low in sugar and rich in essential vitamins and minerals can boost oral health. It’s important to remember that preserving your oral health is an ongoing effort, and these habits, when maintained consistently, can prevent the recurrence of gum disease and ensure your smile stays healthy and bright. Taking these precautions will help keep healthy teeth and gums for years to come!

Take charge of your dental health

Neglecting to clean your teeth properly can have serious consequences, such as increased tartar buildup, bad breath, and even the risk of tooth loss in some cases. Regular dental care and early detection of cavities and periodontal disease are essential in preventing tooth loss and maintaining good oral health. Remember to consider the importance of maintaining a thorough oral hygiene routine and visiting your dentist regularly to safeguard your teeth and overall well-being.


Brushing your teeth before the appointment


A dental deep cleaning, also referred to as scaling and root planing, is a procedure that treats signs of gum disease. This involves cleaning between the gums and tooth roots using specialized tools like an ultrasonic scaler to remove plaque and tartar. If your dentist observes signs of gum disease such as inflamed gums or gum recession, they may recommend a deep cleaning to ensure optimal oral health. Unlike regular teeth cleaning which involves the surface of teeth, deep cleaning goes further below the gum line. Follow this link for a more detailed step by step deep cleaning process.

Deep cleaning aftercare plays a significant role in improving gum health. Through proper dental cleaning and necessary antibiotics, it aids in reducing inflammation, allowing the gums to adhere better to the teeth. Regular teeth cleanings also help in catching potential issues early and prevent the recurrence of gum disease.

Most general dentists, as well as dental hygienists within a dental practice, are trained and equipped to perform a deep cleaning procedure. However, in advanced cases of gum disease or complications, you may need to see a periodontist who specializes in gum diseases and conditions. Here are some tips to prepare for your dental cleaning appointment.

Dental deep cleaning is a vital aspect of dental care as it helps prevent gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss. It reaches areas in the mouth where regular cleaning cannot, and as such, it becomes crucial in the maintenance of oral health.

The numb feeling after a deep cleaning procedure typically subsides a few hours after the treatment once the anesthetic wears off. If this numbness persists significantly longer, it would be advisable to contact your dental office and inform them about it.

Your Fairview Dentist is Here For You

By following a few simple aftercare tips, you can ensure that your scaling and root planing procedure is successful and your smile remains healthy. If you’re in the Fairview Allen area and have periodontal disease (gum disease), contact us at our Fairview, TX dental office to schedule your dental appointment at 972-468-1440.

At Sloan Creek Dental in Fairview, TX, we strive to provide our patients with gentle dentistry and personalized care. Our team is committed to providing quality healthcare and creating lasting relationships with each patient. We treat patients of all ages and focus on offering comprehensive solutions for their oral health needs.