Tooth Extraction - McKinney, TX

Sloan Creek Dental recognizes that the health of your mouth is a priority, which is why we choose to provide conservative dental care by making every effort to save your natural teeth. However, in some cases, Dr. Feng may recommend extracting one of your teeth if it can’t be saved, such as if a tooth has severe tooth decay or is at risk of infecting nearby teeth. If this happens, we will explain why you need it extracted and provide a treatment plan to restore your oral health. Whether you’re anticipating orthodontic treatment with Dr. Feng, or need immediate attention for an emergency dental situation, our caring and compassionate team is available to help you.

Why would I need a tooth extraction?

Digital X-Ray Radiography
  • Severely weekend tooth
  • Gum disease
  • Accidental trauma to the tooth such as broken teeth
  • Severe tooth decay that reaches the center of the tooth called the pulp, causing significant damage to a tooth beyond repair. When this happens, making a successful restoration impossible.
  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Crowding caused by too many teeth to properly fit in the mouth
  • Wisdom teeth removal
  • Extreme discomfort in your teeth

Why Sloan Creek Dental for Tooth Extractions

Flexible Hours – Emergency Appointments Available Near McKinney

Experienced & Compassionate Team of Dentists

Sedation Options Available For Your Comfort

What Are the Benefits of Tooth Removal?

Your smile is important to us, and we emphasize the preservation of your natural teeth and gums, but sometimes a tooth extraction is the most effective treatment for oral disease. If a tooth extraction is necessary for your dental health, here’s what you can expect if you opt for this treatment:

  • A more attractive smile – Once a tooth has decayed and damaged beyond repair, it may be necessary to extract the tooth and replace it with a dental implant or other restoration.
  • Pain relief – Dental trauma or severe infection may cause toothaches that require extraction for pain relief.
  • Prevention – There are times when wisdom teeth extractions are recommended to prevent crowding and damaging nearby teeth. If a tooth is severely decayed, we can extract it to prevent infection from spreading to adjacent teeth.
  • Orthodontic treatment – If your teeth are too crowded and you are considering orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign or Six Month Smiles, your dentist may recommend an extraction to make room for neighboring teeth.

Can I be sedated during a tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction procedure always involve the use of a local anesthetic. During this process, the local anesthetic will completely numb the surrounding area, so you don’t have to worry about it being painful. If you experience anxiety at the dentist or you think you will want dental sedation during your oral surgery, please let our team know, and we will be more than happy to add sedation to your treatment plan. Sloan Creek Dental offers nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation, both very safe and effective forms of dental sedation that can help reduce anxious thoughts and promote a sense of relaxation during the extraction.

What should I expect during my procedure?

After the examination,  Dr. Feng will discuss your treatment plan with you so you may understand the specifics of the dental procedure.  A local anesthetic is used to numb the area and make the procedure more comfortable.  Depending on the treatment plan, there are two types of extractions done by a general dentist or an oral surgeon:

  • Simple Extraction:  A simple extraction means that the tooth that is being extracted can be seen in the mouth.  
  • Surgical Extraction: A surgical extraction is when your tooth is broken at the gum line or hasn’t broken through the gum, and that is when we recommend extracting it through a surgical procedure.  During this process, Dr. Feng will make an incision into the gums  to remove the impacted tooth. Typically this type of surgery is used to remove wisdom teeth.

After the procedure, Dr. Feng will clean the socket and place gauze on it to promote clotting. Depending on the treatment, you may be prescribed painkillers to help with the pain.

What is the recovery like after a tooth extraction?

Following the procedure, we will provide you with a recovery plan to heal your gums. The healing process can vary depending on the severity of the problem and what type of extraction you’re having. However, recovery time is generally rather quick, and over-the-counter pain medication in addition to applying ice to the treated area can help reduce swelling. Here are some guidelines to help with the recovery:

  • Leave the initial gauze pad in place until about three to four hours after the procedure.
  • Apply an ice pack to the area for about 10 minutes at a time to keep the swelling down.
  • To avoid dislodging the blood clot, don’t rinse, spit, or use a straw for 24 hours.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Eat soft foods such as applesauce, yogurt, pudding, soup
  • Drink plenty of fluids but be careful not to drink anything that’s too hot or cold. It could cause sensitivity in your teeth for the first couple of days.
  • Avoid smoking as smoking delays the healing process.

What should I do after a tooth removal?

After your tooth removal, we understand that thinking of a tooth replacement won’t be top of mind during your recovery. However, it’s important to consider tooth replacement options sooner than later. With the tooth root no longer present, the bone in your jaw will begin to deteriorate, leaving your surrounding teeth to shift out of place, cause unnecessary pain, and may cause further complications in the surrounding area. There are two options to replace a single tooth.

  • Dental Implant – With a dental implant, your jaw won’t shrink because the implant stimulates it when you chew. It will also give you the feel and function that is closest to a natural tooth.
  • Dental Bridge –  A dental bridge is an alternative to a dental implant. A dental bridge is a false tooth that connects to the teeth on either side of your missing tooth, and it helps stabilize the remaining teeth.

“Awesome, no more dentist phobia! They were able to see me ASAP and did the extraction at the same time ! The doctor even took the time call me the next day to check on me.” 
Kenya A. (May 2021)

Common Tooth Extraction Questions

After you’ve lost a tooth, the healing process can take approximately one to two weeks. New bone and gum tissue will grow into the space where your tooth was removed, but over time the remaining teeth surrounding the area may shift, affecting your bite and making chewing difficult.

When the tooth is being loosened and extracted, you may feel a slight pressure, but no pain. You might also hear some sound, which is normal in order to remove the tooth.

It may be cheaper to pull a tooth than to repair it, but the ultimate cost of replacing the tooth will be higher in the long term and will take much longer to deal with. If given the option to save the tooth or extract it, Dr. Feng will always recommend saving the tooth. Once the tooth is removed, bone loss in the jaw may occur, resulting in one or more teeth shifting.

The time it takes to extract a tooth depends on the complexity of the case, but it generally takes around 20-50 minutes.

You should avoid brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash for 24 hours after your tooth is pulled. This gives the empty tooth socket enough time to begin healing itself and to form a blood clot.

Following the first 24 hours, you can resume gently brushing and flossing your teeth. Try not to brush near the extraction site as you may accidentally agitate the area.

Need to see a dentist?

Cleaning, check-ups, and your dental care at Sloan Creek Dental near McKinney is important for your oral health. Patients in the surrounding areas of Allen, Fairview, and McKinney find these appointments beneficial to their teeth and gums, as well as their overall health. Walk-ins are also welcome, and emergency situations will be handled with a smile and a quick fix if possible. Call our dental office today to schedule your next dental appointment.